Task management for support services
A healthcare organisation cannot run efficiently without fast and reliable communication between all departments. It is impossible for a surgeon to perform an operation if the operating theatre has not been cleaned first. A radiologist cannot undertake an MR examination if their patient has not been transported to the radiology ward. Everyone depends on everyone.
DNV Imatis’ Tasks for support services helps every department in a healthcare practice to become a fully integrated part of the organisation. Information flows freely and seamlessly, from emergency departments to cleaning, caretaker and orderly services. Everyone has access to the same digital ecosystem – a nurse who discovers that a sink is clogged can inform the caretaker service in real time and be notified when the problem is solved. A bed that needs to be turned down by cleaning staff, a patient who needs an orderly to transport them to X-ray, a fluorescent tube that needs replacing – everything can be registered, shared, and acted on, across departments, by nurses, doctors, and administration teams.

Tasks allows support service staff to receive, handle, manage and end tasks and work orders directly in apps.
A single portal to assign, delegate and keep track of multiple services, with direct communication between wards, units and support services. It includes hospital orderly tasks, such as transporting patients, blood samples and other transport tasks, cleaning, clinical tasks and technical services.
Support services receive notifications of new tasks in their handheld devices (pager, smartphone or tablet).
Everything related to the administration and management of tasks for support services falls within our solution area Tasks.
Stavanger University Hospital – Norway
Tasks applications were implemented in the Western Norway Regional Health Authority in early 2021. In the course of just a few weeks, more than 10 000 assignments were processed, exceeding all expectations. The new system, which is available for desktop computers, touchscreens and smartphones, is reliable, easy to use and has a greater range of application, according to a radiographer in the X-ray department.
Patients’ personal ID numbers are entered in the system for payment purposes, and this also helps ensure that the correct patient is collected by the porter.
On the first day with DNV Imatis’ solution, over 400 assignments successfully went through the system.
Task flow - how it works
Requisition client
Ward staff use the support services request apps for porter and housekeeping requests directly in the portal, digital whiteboards or smartphones.
Assigned tasks
Tasks are assigned to orderlies or housekeepers, who receive notifications of new tasks in their handheld devices (pager, smartphone or tablet).
Smart task rules
Smart task assignment can be based on zones, units or other pre-defined options, reducing the travel between each task and ensuring more efficient use of staff members’ time.
Location-based services can be added to the smart task rules in order to automate the work dispatch management (currently compatible with Cisco Hyperlocation, Sonitor and Stanly).
Task management
Each support service staff member manages their own task load, by accepting or rejecting incoming tasks and using the worklist of active tasks.