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Patient involvement

For patients, a hospital stay can consist of long periods of waiting interrupted by short, hectic periods of giving and receiving information. Heavy healthcare staff workloads and the speed at which information needs to be transferred can lead to misunderstandings, patient uncertainty and loss of important information.

DNV Imatis’ Engage solution puts an end to patient boredom, restlessness and information vacuums between patients and staff.

Engage is a versatile and highly effective communication platform between patients, their hospital and the outside world. It provides real time access to entertainment and news, contact with friends and relatives, diagnostic information and treatment information. It also allows patients to self-report information about their health. The Engage patient portal improves communication between nurses and patients, making the traditional hospital pull-cord alert a thing of the past. Patients can now submit a specific need digitally, saving hospital staff valuable time and energy.

Patient portal

Engage can be installed on a number of digital platforms, from bedside screens to tablets og mobile phones.

We know that there are multiple patient groups and that all patients are different. Therefore, our solution is highly flexible and allows you to build the perfect patient portal for your patients.

While individual adaptation is sometimes necessary, there are also times when you need to be sure that everyone has access to the same services. The range of services may be limited at the start. But this does not mean that the solution is limited. DNV Imatis Engage solution can grow in step with internal reorganisation to support a wider range of digital services for the patient.

The Engage patient portal supports various functions, e.g. ordering meals, questionnaire surveys, self-reporting, video communication and sensor monitoring of the individual patient.

The components follows the requirements for universal design to ensure that the solution is usable for everyone. The solution is also responsive so that it functions equally well no matter what device the patient is using, a big touch screen in the patient’s room or their own mobile phone.

Engage – in a patient room

DNV Imatis’ Engage patient portal is a user-friendly solution that patients can utilise when they are hospitalised. The solution can be used on the hospital’s bedside terminal or the patient’s own mobile device. From here, the patient can keep up with their own treatment plan, ask for help, communicate with friends and family via video, order meals, watch TV or regulate the lighting and heating, for example.



-Information on ‘my’ ward, ‘my’ nurse, ‘my’ doctor and ‘my’ physiotherapist with photos and names
-Map of the hospital with directions to the canteen, kiosk etc.
-Information about the hospital’s facilities and services, such as hospital school departments and activities
-Self-registration form

My treatment plan

-Overview of planned activities and examinations
-Training goals, with current status
-Anticipated discharge date; what can I expect when I come home? Book your journey home.


The nurse does not need to go to the patient’s room to find out what they need, and the order can be passed directly to the person responsible. This is particularly useful in the infection ward.

Room management

-Regulate lighting and heating
-Close and open curtains


-Communicate with friends, family and healthcare personnel via video or text messages
-Send questions to the doctor prior to the ward round
-Questions for the nurse
-The patient receives confirmation that the text message has been received.

Radio, TV and instructional videos

-The patient can listen to the radio or watch TV
-Instructional videos about individual diagnoses
-Healthcare personnel can select the appropriate patient group, thus automatically providing the patient with an overview of relevant videos.

Customer cases

Improving patient flow at Haraldsplass Diaconal Hospital

Improving patient flow at Haraldsplass Diaconal Hospital

Read how Haraldsplass Diaconal Hospital has used digital tools to improve the flow between emergency department and ward.
Digital collaboration and task support at Oslo Emergency Clinic

Digital collaboration and task support at Oslo Emergency Clinic

Case study on how Oslo Emergency Clinic implemented digital interaction and task support to support work processes and information sharing.
Bed Management at Østfold Hospital Trust

Bed Management at Østfold Hospital Trust

Østfold Hospital has achieved a better overall overview of occupancy in real-time and can more easily predict what the next…